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Win a Visit from Xplore! to Your School by unleashing Your STEM Artistry!

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Attention students and schools in Wrexham, Flintshire, Denbighshire, Cheshire West & Chester, and North Shropshire, including Shrewsbury! Get ready for an amazing opportunity to showcase your artistic talents while exploring the fascinating world of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). Xplore! Science Discovery Centre is delighted to announce a competition where you can win a … Continued

Cychwyn Cyfareddol i’r Diwrnod Cynhwysiant!

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Mae gwyddoniaeth ym mhob man o’n cwmpas, ond does dim modd i bawb fanteisio ar yr un cyfleoedd i ddysgu amdano a’i ddarganfod. Mae Xplore! o’r farn y dylai bod cyfle i bawb ymwneud gyda gwyddoniaeth, waeth beth ydy eu cefndir neu eu gallu. Gan hynny, rydym wedi mynd ati i greu gofod sy’n addas … Continued

Sensory Day is back, in a new format!

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At Xplore! Science Discovery Centre, we believe that everyone should have the opportunity to learn and discover the wonders of science in a way that feels comfortable and inclusive for them. That’s why we are excited to announce that we will be hosting an Inclusion Day, a special event designed to make our centre more … Continued

Bu i Xplore! groesawu eglwysi lleol ar gyfer sioe ffydd.

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Bu inni estyn croeso i 24 o eglwysi i noson yn arddangos y gweithgareddau a’r cynnwys bu inni eu datblygu yn ystod y prosiect Xplore! yn mynd i’r eglwys. Bu inni fwrw iddi gyda’r prosiect gan gydweithio gydag Eglwys Sant Marc ym Mharc Caia i gynnig cyfleoedd i blant a phobl ifanc 4-11 oed i … Continued

Llwyddiant gyda nawdd gan Gymdeithas Dai y Principality

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Bu’r bartneriaeth, a ffurfiwyd yn 2019, yn gyfle i’r Principality ac Xplore! gynnal gweithdy hwyl a rhyngweithiol i blant oedran cynradd er mwyn hybu eu hyder wrth drin arian. Erbyn hyn mae 2000 o blant wedi mwynhau’r sesiwn, a gyda’r nawdd diweddar mae cyfle i 750 o blant ychwanegol fwynhau’r sesiwn rhwng Medi a Rhagfyr … Continued

Darganfod 2022 – A thank you

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Darganfod 2022 is in the books and honestly it was a fantastic weekend. Together Xplore! and Tŷ Pawb brought science and art to the streets of Wrexham. It was hard work but we couldn’t have done it without the help and support of many people. Firstly, thank you to our sponsors and funders who gave … Continued

Wonder Day is coming to St Giles Church, Wrexham

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Xplore!, St Marks Church and ECLAS are coming together to bring a special day of science activities to St Giles Church, Wrexham. Wonder Day will be chance to engage with science in a new and unusual place. Come and experience our Stardome, learn what makes a circuit and uncover the mysteries of slime. Over the … Continued

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