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Wheels in Motion

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Learners will develop skills that help them work collaboratively while building upon challenges and making improvement to their builds during the workshop. The class is split into groups and given the same set of LEGO pieces. Using a design brief the learner build a car that will travel down a ramp with the aim of … Continued


By admin

Explore challenges that encourage students to try new approaches to problem-solving and make adjustments as a team. This competitive workshop asks groups of leaners ‘Who can make the tallest tower?’ Which group can build the longest overhang from the edge of the table. And then who can make a marble take 20 seconds exactly to … Continued


By admin

Improve and test your student’s understanding of energy and potential energy by creating and launching rockets. Discuss how key concepts such as energy and forces act on a rocket. In groups, students will design and build a rocket using their scientific knowledge. Outside, groups will then put their rockets to the test by launching them … Continued

Rocket Science

By admin

During this interactive show we will discuss what is need to launch a rocket. This activity includes: A group discussions around Spaceports Forces involved in launching a rocket Launching rockets across the room What we send in the rockets – satellites and some of the uses they can be put to   Expect fire, excitement … Continued

Toybox Science

By admin

Build upon organisational and categorical sorting in this engaging and educational workshop. Our presenter and learners will discuss possible ways of categorising their toys, e.g., by colour. Learners will then discuss and sort a variety of toys from our science toybox into one of three categories. Some toys might have more than one possible category … Continued

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